You've gone and made something amaaaazing that's gonna change the world! Woo-hooo! You ROCK!
And you know what else rocks? The fact that you've taken the time to consider how you can keep your values and mission at the center of everything you do.
That kind of integrity isn't easy to come by in our "grow at all costs" startup culture. Amiright?
Ready for the bad news?
When people visit your website, they don't want To Buy YOUR STUFF.
(sad trumpet)
You were so excited when you first came up with your Big Idea that you dove right into design and development, racing toward a launch so the world could know your genius.
And now...your creation sits there on your site...waiting wistfully to be discovered like a forlorn teen stood up on prom night.
It's not like you haven't written decent, SEO-driven product descriptions...
It's not like you haven't validated your model-- you did the market research and there's a growing demand for what you've got.
So what's the freaking problem?!?
You're really good at telling people what your product does. You may even have a one-sentence elevator pitch.
Does your website help your visitors understand what your product means? Specifically, to their lives? To you? To the world?
If the answer is no...
It's not youR PRODUCT. It's your story.
People don't want to buy products from websites. They want to connect with a delightful, emotionally fulfilling buying experience.
Immediately--and I'm talking immediately---see that you get them, that you relate to their problems, that you're here to help, and that you're gonna make life a little better for them.
8 Seconds. Go!
I'm Here to help you Finally weave the tale your customers need to to tell--with words that inspire them to buy.
So...what story is your website selling?